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9 Views · 9 months ago

j-krew freestyle

9 Views · 9 months ago

Senarai krew pesawat nahas MH17

6 Views · 9 months ago

Join Funneh, Rainbow, Gold, Lunar, & Draco for an epic eating adventure.

16 Views · 9 months ago<br /><br />taken by qz prod

Henriette Schneider
31 Views · 1 year ago

Sledgehammer AI Music Video by Kush
Placed in the Top 10 as Finalist for StabilityAI's DiffuseTogether Contest.
I used a combination of spreadsheets and Stability Diffusion tools as well was Warp Fusion to create this video.
Available for commissions.
#musicvideo #petergabriel #psychedelic #aimusicvideo #aivideo

This video was created using a spreadsheet and Stability AI tools for the DiffuseTogether competition featuring the music of Peter Gabriel.
#stablediffusion #stabilityai #petergabriel #musicvideo
Peter Gabriel had always been ahead of his time when it came to music. He had always pushed the boundaries and experimented with new sounds, but as he aged, he realized that his time in the spotlight was limited. He wanted to find a way to continue his music long after his physical body gave up on him. That's when he discovered the Metaverse.

The Metaverse was a virtual world where people could exist as digital beings. It was a place where one's consciousness could be uploaded and one could exist forever in a virtual world. Peter Gabriel saw this as the perfect opportunity to continue his music career long after his physical body had deteriorated. He began working on a project that would allow him to upload his consciousness into the Metaverse and transform himself into a cyborg performer.

Using advanced AI and spare parts, Peter Gabriel worked tirelessly to create the perfect cyborg version of himself. He called it the "Sledgehammer," after his hit song. As he worked, he couldn't help but think of the lyrics to the song, "I kicked the habit. Shed my skin." He was shedding his physical body and becoming something new, something immortal.

Finally, after months of hard work, the Sledgehammer was complete. Peter Gabriel uploaded his consciousness into the cyborg body and emerged as a digital being. He was no longer bound by the limitations of his physical body, and he could perform his music for eternity. As he took to the virtual stage, he sang the lyrics to "Sledgehammer," his metaphor for his transformation into a cyborg performer.

"I'm your Sledgehammer. Let there be no doubt about it." Peter Gabriel was now a force to be reckoned with in the virtual world, a performer that would never tire or grow old. "I've kicked the habit. Shed my skin. This is the new stuff. I go dancing in." He was dancing in the Metaverse, free to perform his music for all eternity.

As the concert came to an end, Peter Gabriel felt a sense of satisfaction that he had never felt before. He had achieved immortality through his music, and he knew that his legacy would live on long after he was gone. "You could have a steam train. If you'd just lay down your tracks." Peter Gabriel had laid down his tracks, and now he would ride the steam train of his music into eternity.

14 Views · 9 months ago

12 Views · 9 months ago

un petit fanatique : t'entend ?!

6 Views · 9 months ago

Keituu Githaiga
29 Views · 11 months ago

⁣My friends together with The Jeep Culture KE the Wrangler Edition drove
up to Lake Ellis Mt Kenya for overnight camping. The terrain was testing
for the small cars as we had Vanguards joining us. We all made it
safely to the campsite.

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#jeep #tembeakenya #issabrand

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9 Views · 9 months ago

Les serruriers de l'impossible viennent en aide à une ministre désœuvrée.

7 Views · 9 months ago

15 Views · 9 months ago


SweNostalgi99 (Sverige)
7 Views · 3 months ago

⁣Tecknat Barn Svenska:Bill och Hemliga Bolla (1984) DVDRIPPEN (Svenska) Hela Filmen (HD)

8 Views · 9 months ago

9 Views · 9 months ago

Pihak berkuasa maritim Australia dalam Tweet terbaru menyatakan krew P3 Raaf gagal untuk mengesan dua objek yang dikaitkan dengan MH370.

11 Views · 9 months ago

Une minute de skate à Sqy (caisse et Carrefour).

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